Monday, 8 February 2016

Happy Propose Day wishes quotes text 140 words

 Propose day is the second day of valentine’s week which is starting from February 7-14. This is one of the big events for all youths and couples and it comes from western culture. This day is celebrated in all regions in the country. This day is observed on 8th of February. On this day, youngsters give the roses to propose their partner, girlfriend, boyfriend, and friend also. This is a great time to propose your loved ones and make your day special with your beloved. On this day, you can propose any girl or boy and also you may express your feelings towards your love. Also some are looking for the best wishes, SMS, messages and quotes to set these messages as a Whatsapp and facebook Status. Here you will get all lovely Wishes Quotes SMS Messages for your beloved.You may also search from our site:Happy propose day whatsapp videos,Happy propose day quotes in hindi

Happy Propose Day Wishes 2016

Propose day is the second day observed on February 8th and this is the day of valentine’s week. On this day, you can propose your friend, girlfriend and boyfriend. Here we have the best Propose Day 2016 Wishes to wish Happy Propose Day to your beloved. Also, you can set the wishes, message as a whatsapp and facebook status. Here you will get the Propose Day Wishes to celebrate the valentine’s week. 

You Âre The Hâppîness Of My
Lîfe, You Âre The Smîle Of
My Lîps, Î Âm Âlîve To See
You Ânytîme, Your Cute Smîle
Gîve Me Power Pleâse Dont Ever
Leâve Me Hâppy Propose Dây..

Î Âm Openîng Ân Emotîonâl Bânk Âccount
For U Sweetheârt
So Deposît Your Love În Ît
Ând You Wîll Get The Înterest.
Be My Vâlentîne !

On Thîs Specîâl Dây Î Wânt To
Sây: Grow Old Âlong Wîth Me,
The Best Îs Yet To Be. Wîll
You Spend The Rest Of Your Lîfe
Wîth Me? Hâppy Propose Dây.

Happy Propose Day for Status for gf

All youths are looking for the best and unique Propose Day Quotes to set it as a facebook or whatsapp status. Also these quotes can share with your loved ones. This is the big chance to impress your love and propose them for this Valentine’s Day.

“The course of true love never d¡d run smooth.” – W¡ll¡âm Shâkespeâre

“True love stor¡es never hâve end¡ngs.” – R¡chârd Bâch

“True love ¡s selfless. ¡t ¡s prepâred to sâcr¡f¡ce.” – Sâdhu Vâswân¡

Happy Propose day sms Text 100 words

Here we are sharing the all wonderful Propose Day SMS & Messages to express your love and emotions with your friends, girlfriend, and boyfriend. There is no need to go anywhere to search the Propose Day SMS & Messages. Here you can find the all best Propose Day messages to propose your loved ones again. Get ready to collect it.

Wîth Êvêry Bêat Of My Hêart, Î
Wîll Lovê You Morê And Morê,
Aftêr Yêars Of Togêthêrnêss Thîs
Îs My Solêmn Vow For You, My Lovê!
Word Havê Not Ênough Strêngth
To Êxprêss My Lovê Towards
You. My Êyês Arê Ênough To Êxprêss
Ît! Happy Proposê Day Dêar!

Î Thînk About You All Thê Tîmê Wîll You Bê Mînê Forêvêr ? Î Must Say Î Adorê You Î Can Not Lîvê My Lîfê Wîthout You. Ît Would Bê Long & Drêary. Happy Proposê Day..

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Location: Canada

1 comment:

  1. His subject is good, long while I find this topic and I think it is here, many thanks guys .
    Happy Propose Day Images


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